Revere Superintendent’s Corner by Dr. Michael Tefs
Higher-order thinking skills, student engagement, and Revere Players production of Cinderella
We are often bombarded with national narratives regarding the demise of America’s public schools – that students are not prepared to read by grade 4, unacceptable graduation rates, and student behavior.
The brush strokes of this narrative are a tad too broad for me. Our Revere schools are excelling and excellence can be seen in every classroom, theater, and field of competition from Pre K – grade 12.
Our Revere system of education does not look anything like the education that most readers of this article received during their childhood. The Revere communities can celebrate and be super pleased with the teaching professionals who strive daily to elevate our students’ critical thinking. I have a front-row seat and get to watch and marvel at how our teachers strategically educate our students to analyze, synthesize, and apply the information that is being taught.
Revere students are actively engaged in the learning process – hands-on and evaluating the information being delivered by our incredibly professional educators.
The days of passive, “sit and get” classrooms do not occur in Revere. In fact, I can’t identify a school anywhere nearby that allows passive learning environments to exist. The instructional efforts and school culture are, in fact, quite exhilarating. The learning environments that are being curated in our classrooms are enjoyable, where real-world application and problem solving are the norm.
I was recently a guest presenter for our high school “Street Law” courses. I was impressed with the Socratic questions received and the level and depth of our dialogue. We discussed public policy, the legislative process, and several education-related bills pending before the General Assembly. The students were attentive, engaged, and evaluating the material at wonderfully high levels.
Two days later, I watched Angeline Redman’s Kindergarten class walk over to Revere High School and join a high school art class. Our high school students, artfully led by Sarah Zustin, assisted their new kindergarten friends in several different clay projects.
Lastly, I would like to invite our communities to see and support the Revere Players production of “Cinderella.” You will find the production to be professionally directed and wonderfully well performed. (See the coming events section of this magazine for details.)
#ThisIsRevere and Proud to be a Minuteman! ∞