Bath – Richfield Kiwanis

The Bath-Richfield Kiwanis is planning outdoor spring service projects including landscaping at Shelter Care facilities and at Camp Manatoc.

The group is also planning its annual Memorial Day two-day pancake breakfast event, to be held on Sunday, May 26, and Monday, May 27, from 8 a.m. until noon at the Masonic Hall. The Revere Key Club will again sponsor its annual flower sale at the pancake breakfast. This year, flowers will be focused on pollinator plants to help attract bees and butterflies to your gardens.

Bath-Richfield Kiwanis meets on Thursday evenings, 6-7:30 p.m. at Fellowship Hall in Richfield. Meetings include dinner and speakers. Non-member guests are invited to attend.

April meeting speakers include:

April 18: Cuyahoga Valley Career Center

Speakers: Mike Hall, CVCC principal; and Dave Mangas, CVCC superintendent.

April 25: Embracing Futures, a charity for children’s orthodontic care

Speaker: Amber Genet Barkoukis, executive director of Embracing Futures

The annual Richfield Community Day, sponsored by the Bath Richfield Kiwanis, will be held on Sunday, Aug, 11, from 1 p.m. until fireworks. Food, fun and entertainment will happen throughout the day. Local nonprofits are invited to participate in the event and take the opportunity to inform the public about their program. The nonprofit application form is on the Kiwanis website at All applications must be mailed to Kiwanis, P.O. Box 211, Richfield, Ohio 44286.

The Bath-Richfield Kiwanis recently attended the Ohio Kiwanis Division 16, Governor’s dinner. Attendees included Revere Key Club President Sheza Qasim, Key Club Vice President Parisa Nosrati, Key Club Secretary Neha Yadavalli, and Kiwanis members Terry Bennet, Ruth Jocek, Jerry Baley and Katie Ryan, Revere teacher and Key Club advisor.

Nosrati was elected to become next year’s Key Club lieutenant governor. The Bath Richfield Kiwanis is proud of her for her leadership and support of the Key Club.

For more news and information, visit or the Bath-Richfield Kiwanis Facebook page. ∞