Bath Elementary Students of the Month
Grade 3: Cohen Huecker
Cohen is a respectful, responsible, problem-solver. He is a hard-working student who is incredibly patient when working with others and does an amazing job of ensuring other students feel valued. Cohen takes great care of the classroom and his teachers can always rely on him to do the right thing. Cohen is an outstanding leader, role model and friend.
Grade 4: Kiki Apostolis
Kiki demonstrates a positive attitude and comes to class with a smile on her face every day, ready to learn. She is kind and helpful to others, is very responsible and always respectful. She volunteers often in class, and encourages others to do their best. Kiki is a wonderful role model to her peers.
Grade 5: Liv Morris
Liv is a focused student who puts 100% effort into her assignments. She is independent and a problem-solver. Liv is not afraid to take on a leadership role, but can also collaborate with her classmates. She is polite and respectful towards her teachers and her peers. She sets a great example with her work ethic and display of kindness to others. ∞