Canvas & Twine brings touch of magic to sleepovers

by Emily Canning-Dean

After nearly a lifetime of friendship, Leslie Roach and Katie Clough learned that their bond makes them excellent business partners.

“It’s great because we can be honest with each other,” Roach said of her business partnership with Clough. “We can run an idea past each other and just know with a look if the other one thinks it’s a bad idea.”

The pair began preparations for launching the Hudson-based Canvas & Twine back in April, and by August, they were organizing parties and sleepovers for clients.

The company specializes in creating magical sleepover teepee parties. They offer clients teepees adorned with plush bedding and a multitude of amenities such as balloon banners, personalized favors and party games.

Roach received inspiration for launching Canvas & Twine after learning about a similar business outside Ohio.

“My own daughter is kind of right in our demographic,” Roach said. “She is turning 9 and has a cold weather birthday, so I started researching cool ideas for indoor birthday parties.”

Roach said that while she has always had a creative brain, she knew Clough possessed strengths that would be necessary for making the business successful, such as designing a great website and keeping tabs on expenses.

Canvas & Twine works with clients in Hudson and surrounding communities. Roach said they can set up for a party in about an hour and will return the next morning to tear down, saving parents who host the parties a lot of work and stress.

“We have all of the linens and bedding and accessories available, and we can offer different themes like Taylor Swift or Pokemon,” Roach said. “We can also offer personalized throw pillows that party members can have as a keepsake.”

While young girls are the target demographic, Canvas & Twine can accommodate any age or gender. Besides sleepovers, Canvas & Twine can also organize other events, such as movie nights or overnight trips to grandparents’ houses.  

“We also have a bunch of themes that would also appeal to boys such as camping, gaming or sports themes,” Clough said.

To learn more about Canvas & Twine, visit

Potential clients can also get a closer look at the amenities Canvas & Twine offers by visiting their pop-up shop at 190 N. Main Street in Hudson. Passersby can enjoy displays set up by Canvas & Twine in the windows of the location. Check out their Facebook page for dates and times. ∞

Leslie Roach and Katie Clough are lifelong friends and together have founded Canvas & Twine.

Photo (main/above): Teepees, plush bedding and other amenities are included in the sleepover service Canvas & Twine offers. Photos submitted