Revere Notes
Two Revere High students were recognized by the board of education for achievements beyond school walls.
Sam Lazbin, a member of the varsity tennis team, completed his own research project, unbeknownst to his biology teacher.
Lazbin said that two years ago he decided to find a research project of community interest because he wants to become a physician. A doctor at Metro Health steered him to a website that contains more than 100 million patients’ data around the world, according to Lazbin.
“I used that information to create a study and research the percentage of people who got shingles after getting an influenza vaccine and people who got a reactivation of shingles after getting a COVID vaccination,” Lazbin said.
Lazbin was invited to present his findings at a science convention in Boston in October.
“Sam had a vision and he had a goal he engaged with purpose,” said Revere Principal Andrew Peltz. “He doesn’t wait for things to be brought to him. He makes things happen.”
Peltz also recognized Emerson Padgett, who “is ranked a novice junior equestrian champion.”
Padgett won the last two U.S. Equestrian Association tournaments.
At Richfield Elementary, students continued a tradition of collecting cereal boxes to give to the Akron-Canton Foodbank. Called the “Domino Challenge,” all the boxes are lined up in a hallway to simulate dominoes about to be toppled.
First graders got to sing at the Veterans Day breakfast at the high school.The Bath PTA raised more than $20,000 at its fall fundraiser to add features to the school’s land lab. In mid-November, a concrete foundation was poured for a greenhouse, and concrete supports were poured for a permanent disc golf course on the playground.
Bath students have been working on a coding and design-thinking module this school year as a STEM lab project.
Using the Tynker app and “Get Started with Code 2” from Apple Education, the coding class experiments with visual blocks then progresses to text-based coding to solve puzzles, build apps and do other projects.
The design-thinking activities force students to problem solve, think critically and creatively, and communicate and collaborate with fellow students.
Richfield Elementary students collected about 730 boxes of cereal and delivered them to the Akron-Canton Regional Food Bank.
Revere High School students had the opportunity on Dec. 6 to sit in on Richfield Village’s land use committee meeting.
Students got to listen and participate with steering committee members discussing issues in the community and present their own thoughts on what they would like to see happen in the future.
Revere Middle School winners of the Vision of a Minuteman Pride Card program for November were: eighth grade – Ziggie Pietrocini, Rafael Simi Silva, Nate Willett; seventh grade – Anna Bockstoce, Sam Sheffer, Joe Shimp; sixth grade – Esther Dickstein, Lucas Podojil, Matthew Smerk.
English language arts MAP testing will be Jan. 18, and math MAP testing will be Jan. 19.
Donations included girls golf coach Jeremy Harpley contributing his salary of $4,576 to the girls’ golf program.
Other donations included the Bath Elementary PTA donating $11,240 for a greenhouse pad and Disc Golf Target Foundation with sleeve. The Bath PTA also gave $14,500 to create a woods pathway at the school’s outdoor learning center.
Brinker Powerlifting contributed $500 to the Revere strength and conditioning program. ∞