Adult dance team hits a groove in northeast Ohio

by Emily Canning-Dean

After being in existence for only a year and a half, the Adult Hip Hop Dance Team in Hudson is gaining popularity in the region.

Earlier this month, the team performed at the Cleveland Cavaliers game as the Cavs faced off against the Golden State Warriors. Less than a week later, they strutted their stuff at the home opener for the Cleveland Charge.

“We have been booked for a good amount of gigs this year,” said Ryan Rosinski, choreographer for the team. “During the previous season they did four performances and this year we have bumped it up to nine.”

The dance team consists of 37 women, ranging in age from 25 to 68. Rosinski rents office and gym space at multiple locations in Hudson for rehearsals each week.

“This is something I wanted to do for a while. Most of the women on the dance team are moms, and I’ve found when you become an adult and your life revolves around taking care of other people, there isn’t a lot of time for something of your own,” Rosinski said. “It seemed there wasn’t much of an opportunity for people later in life to live that dream and show off their talent. I wanted to create something where they could have that opportunity.”

Rosinski keeps classes to one hour weekly, so the members have time to fit rehearsals into their schedules.

“The members can also pick and choose which performances they want to be part of,” he said. “It’s not like they have to make a big commitment to attending every performance.”

Team member Christa Galehouse, who grew up in Hudson, said she didn’t realize how much she would enjoy performing.

“I went to my first dance class with a friend of mine thinking it would be a one-time thing,” she said. “But then the choreographer asked us if he taught us a routine would we be willing to perform it somewhere and all of a sudden I shot my hand up because it sounded like so much fun.”

Galehouse said she found performing in front of a crowd to be energizing.

“It feels great to be a part of a group and to do a show,” she said. “I would definitely recommend this to other women.”

When Hudson resident Lynda Stakel joined the team in the summer of 2022, she had no intention of performing.

“I’ve always loved to dance, but an opportunity never came up between work and everything else,” she said. “Then I saw this group practicing and I thought I would love to do that, so I joined the group for the exercise.”

But last year, when Stakel’s daughter learned the team would be performing at a Cleveland Cavaliers game, she and her friends bought tickets as she was excited to see her mom dance with the group.

“When I found out she bought the tickets, I decided I better rise to the occasion, so I did extra practices and I worked really hard,” she said. “Performing was an exhilarating experience. My family has been supportive, and I’ve made so many friendships.”

Rosinski said some of the women took dance classes when they were younger, but most of the members had no previous dance experience at all.

“We have women from all walks of life. Some are accountants, some teachers, some cosmetologists. The team is open to anyone,” he said.

With performances wrapping up for the season, Rosinski said the next couple of months will be the perfect time for new members to join the team. He said the plan is to create some new choreography in January and February so the dancers can be ready for possible performances by spring. Anyone interested in joining the Adult Dance Hip Hop Team can contact Rosinski at ∞

Choreographer Ryan Rosinski started the Adult Dance Hip Hop team to provide local women with “something of their own.”

Photo (main / above): An adult hip hop team that operates in and around Hudson recently performed at a Cavs game. Photos submitted.