Do or Do Not, There is NO Try

by Dr. Andrew T. Brady, Chiropractic Physician

I can’t say that I’m a huge “Star Wars” fan, but there is a quote that Yoda (a little green man) says that taught me a lesson years ago. “Do or do not, there is no try.” This quote triggered a deeper level of thinking for me. I began to realize how many times in my life I said that I would “try” to do something, whether it be in school, in sports, in the gym, with patients, with my employees, with my business, or with my family and friends. I started to think how different my life might look if I made decisions to do something with 100% certainty, giving it my all no matter what it was.

This small change in mentality created a profound improvement in my life and I think it can for you, too. How can we apply this to your current state of health? I personally hear the word “try” very frequently when it comes to making healthy lifestyle choices. Things like “I try to eat healthy” or “I try to exercise” or “I try to do daily stretches” or “I try to get eight hours of sleep” or “I try to get adjusted” or “I try not to sit eight hours a day.” Trying to eat healthy doesn’t give you the same benefit as eating healthy. Trying to exercise daily doesn’t give you the same benefit as exercising daily. Trying to get adjusted doesn’t give you the same benefit as getting adjusted. Here is my challenge for you: next time you hear yourself say “I will try,” stop yourself and say “I will do.” Commit and make it happen. It may just change your life.


Effective Oct. 1, Spine Integrative Wellness is excited to welcome the patients of Hudson Chiropractic, office of Dr. Bob Graves, to our practice location. We wish Dr. Bob the best in his retirement and look forward to continuing to provide exceptional care to everyone who has trusted him with their health and wellness over the years. You can still reach us at Hudson Chiropractic’s phone number, or ours at 234-284-8002. Or, feel free to book your next appointment online at We look forward to meeting you.


Dr. Andrew T. Brady,Chiropractic Physician

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Spine Integrative Wellness
1340 Corporate Drive, Suite 300
Hudson, OH 44236

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