In opposition to the proposed school levy

To the Editor:

Nordonia is one of two districts in Summit County without a permanent improvement levy. Superintendent Joe Clark complains about this all the time, yet it was on his watch when he allowed a 1.49-mill renewal to expire in 2011. In 2011, taxpayers were told 6 mills were needed to maintain the school buildings that had been renovated in 2001. In May of 2019, a special election was held to push through 7 mills that promised capital improvements of roofs, boilers, HVAC, asphalt, concrete repairs, gym floors and other facility improvements. Clark has lectured Nordonia Hills on leadership, but if you follow his record, very little of the money approved gets spent on promised repairs. In spite of a terrible record of following through, the school board continues to give Clark raises and extended his contract. Clark now has a base salary of $154,000 with 2% raises in the next two years. Currently, Clark and 30 people want voters to give another 8 mills on what is sure to be an all-time boondoggle of epic proportions. Yes, we are talking about $165 million for all new buildings. The plan is so vague it screams over budget by a minimum of 5 more mills. Keep in mind when Clark, as assistant superintendent, was asked to watch the spending on the new $6 million dollar football stadium, it only went over budget by $2.6 million. Please have Clark retrofit and repair Nordonia’s current buildings as promised. On Nov. 8, vote “No” on the 8-mill levy.

Ken Grigas

Rolling Brook Road ∞