Flower baskets add to town square

by Laura Bednar

The Bath Gamma Garden Club expanded its annual plantings this year by adding hanging flower baskets to utility poles at the intersection of W. Bath and N. Cleveland-Massillon roads.

Every year, the club plants flowers at the Bath Post Office, various township signs and cemetery entrances. This year, garden club members approached the township to install brackets that hold a total of four hanging flower baskets at the intersection of what members call “Bath Center.”

Bath Gamma Garden Club President Heather Pasket said the club used proceeds from its annual seminar and raffle to purchase the flowers for planting and added the hanging baskets this year. The club’s annual fundraiser was held on June 5 and included over 20 raffle baskets and a silent auction for large donated items.

“Our annual fundraiser is sponsored by our members and local business donations,” said Pasket.

Bath Township Service Department members installed the brackets on the poles and will water the baskets throughout the season. Pasket said the flowers are red, white and blue petunias, which match Bath and Revere School District colors.

“As a club, we are always looking for ways to beautify Bath,” she said.

The club is considering the intersection of N. Cleveland-Massillon and Ira roads as the next potential spot for flower baskets. ∞

Photo: Hanging flower baskets now decorate the utility poles at the intersection of N. Cleveland-Massillon and W. Bath roads. Photo by Laura Bednar.