Township Corner by Trustee Janet Jankura
I hope you have an enjoyable and safe summertime. Please be careful around the various road construction projects.
I want to thank State Representative Bill Roemer for facilitating quick repair of a large sinkhole that closed a portion of Route 303 near Briarwood. The state told our staff that it would not be fixed for months. Representative Roemer helped us get it repaired that same week in April.
The township is in the process of reviewing and updating our Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Trustees revisit it every 20 years. We will be convening a team of people experienced in planning and zoning to review it and make any recommended changes. The team will consist of our zoning inspector, Kendall Jarell, members of our zoning commission and board of zoning appeals, and a couple of knowledgeable residents in our community. We need the expertise of an outside consultant to lead us through this process. Trustees are entertaining proposals from consultants and will work to keep the costs as low as possible. Ultimately, trustees will consider suggestions from the team and approve a strategic plan to guide how we utilize township land in future decades. ∞