Township Corner by Trustee Don Laubacher
The township and the Village of Richfield formed the Joint Economic Development District off Brecksville Road in 2005. Before 2020, the JEDD produced little revenue. Due to two large developments in the past few years, the township’s current annual share of the income and property tax (inside millage) in the JEDD is projected to exceed $120,000, mostly from income tax.
But this is only part of the economic benefit. We also receive all the outside millage (voted on via levies) on the JEDD properties. For example, our current annual portion of the property tax paid by Best Buy is over $125,000. This should double when the 10-year Tax Increment Financing agreement, which diverts 50% of the property tax for infrastructure, expires.
Three commercial parcels remain available there. When these are developed, and the TIF expires, the total revenue from our JEDD will be much higher.
More specific notification will be forthcoming, but road paving in Glencairn Forest will resume this summer. This year’s schedule includes Kintyre Circle, Glentrool Lane, Hamilton, Bannockburn, Balmoral, and East and West Galloway Drives. This is a necessary inconvenience, and we appreciate your patience and understanding.
Thank you
To our residents who voted on March 19, and passed overwhelmingly our continuing levy for our fire/EMS services.
Contacting me
Please contact me at, or visit me at the township office on the last Friday of each month from 9-11 a.m. ∞