Quilt square competition to further Heritage Barns of Bath Trail
by Laura Bednar
April 1 township trustees meeting
Discover Bath Barns, a subcommittee of the Heritage Corridors of Bath, is hosting a quilt square competition in conjunction with the group’s efforts to create a Heritage Barns of Bath Trail.
The competition is sponsored by the Western Reserve Playhouse. Local residents are invited to submit their quilt square by May 31. The square must be 12.5-by-12.5 inches, made of cotton and reflect Western Reserve Playhouse history.
A panel of judges made up of WRP members, Discover Bath Barns committee members and local quilt and history experts will select the winner, whose design will be used to create a quilt to be hung on the side of the playhouse barn.
Completed squares and entry forms must be dropped off at Western Reserve Playhouse on June 1 or June 2 between 12-4 p.m. See more information on the Discover Bath Barns page at bathtownship.org.
Township trustees approved the Heritage Barns of Bath Trail, which will include nine stops. Discover Bath Barns Committee Chair James McClellan said the trail will be overtop of the existing Heritage Corridors of Bath. He said stops were chosen based on heritage, safety for visitors to park and permission from barn owners to have people on site.
“We will work to create a website, pamphlet and informational sign at the Wayside Exhibit,” said McClellan.
He said the hope is to open the trail in late June.
Police and fire
The fire department hired Emma Brookshire as a part-time firefighter/paramedic at $25.74 per hour, per the 2024 Bath Organizational Resolution. Fire Chief Robert Campbell said Brookshire was a close candidate for a full-time position and scored high on her tests.
Trustees approved purchasing a $72,722 Med Unit chassis for a fire department vehicle. Campbell said the department ordered a new truck last year, but the chief doesn’t expect to receive it until the end of 2024 or early 2025.
Police Sgt. Scott Borton retired, effective April 30. He started his career with the township in 1991.
Police Chief Vito Sinopoli said on March 12, the police department used one of its drones to locate a missing 3-year-old child and a dog.
In other news
Jen Hardin was sworn in as the township’s next fiscal officer on April 1.
The township is applying for a $10,000 Summit County Community Grant to use towards the North Fork Preserve trail. Trustee Elaina Goodrich said the funds would be used for the second loop of the triple-loop trail in the preserve on Everett Road. ∞