Hail to the eclipse
Families, friends and out-of-town visitors watched the eclipse together in Richfield on April 8. They had come from several states and Canada and rented every hotel room that was available in Richfield.
They could choose any of three organized viewing locations, all offering food and music, including Richfield United Church of Christ, who donated their revenue to the Heart of Revere. The Chamber of Commerce, celebrating on the village Green, introduced guests to smoked Italian sausage, grilled by the owner of the future Richfield Brewing Company. The lawns of Richfield Heritage Preserve offered games for children and plenty of room to see the sky.
With a forecast of possible clouds, and even rain, some traveled away from Richfield, but the joke was on them, because the Richfield sky was blue and clear at 3:10 p.m.
Many said the full eclipse lasted longer than expected. There were many stories of strange animal behavior including birds chirping and roosters crowing when the eclipse ended.
Calmness was in the air, and for a few hours, political debate was absent. Someone said the country needs an eclipse about once a month.
The safety forces were prepared multiple calls and traffic snarls, but not a single emergency call was received during the two hours of the eclipse. ∞
Photo: Friends gathered in front of the sign on the Green, relaxing after viewing the eclipse. Pictured are Rich Kovak, Theresa Kovak, Kurt Hartjen, Styme (Tim) Kovak, MC Hartjen, Dave Mruk , John Mruk and Sandi Mruk. Photo submitted.