Chippewa Garden Club

Chippewa Garden Club

Chippewa Garden Club will host its next meeting on Tuesday, April 23, at 6:30 p.m. in the Brecksville Human Service Building, 2 Community Drive, Brecksville. 

CGC Members Margaret DeWolf, Aggie Goss, Kelly Manocchio and Debbie Schuckert will present a variety of Flower Show design instructions to help members select the type of design entry they would enjoy entering in the upcoming flower show. These members have tricks up their sleeves to help us make entries simple enough and to understand. For the ‘fun’ of it, participants may just receive a ribbon for their entries.

The “Glimmer and Shimmer” Flower Show , celebrating CGC’s 75th Anniversary, is a beautiful gift the members give to the community by sharing their knowledge of horticulture, flower arrangements, conservation and other related areas.  The event will take place Aug. 10-11 at the Brecksville Community Center.   

Are you recently retired, or even not, and interested in learning the latest gardening, landscaping, and floral design trends, as  well as conservation issues, you may just enjoy becoming a member of the club. For more information, visit our website at or follow us on Facebook for garden articles and our Club’s activities and events. 

Chippewa Garden Club is a member of the National Garden Club, Inc., State Garden Clubs-Central Atlantic Region, the Garden Club of Ohio-Cleveland  District and the Holden Forests and Garden. ∞