Township Corner by Trustee Janet Jankura
Primary elections are on March 19 and Richfield Township residents have the chance to vote on local Issue 5 – a decrease in tax millage. Imagine that, a tax millage decrease! The trustees propose to continue our excellent fire and emergency medical services from Richfield Village by lowering the amount of our levy from 2.85 mills to 2.66 mills and making it continuous. This means we do not have to go to the ballot for a fire/EMS levy every three years. We are hopeful that residents will support this replacement with reduction.
I want to recognize our township fiscal officer, Laurie Pinney, for 20 years of outstanding financial management of residents’ funding resources. When Laurie took office, the township’s budget was $2,017,795. Now it is $5,063,270. Throughout the decades, there have been economic ups and downs impacting us and Laurie proactively managed our funds to keep us in good monetary health. Ms. Pinney has been a responsible steward of our resources and has successfully passed independent audits. She is a respected partner of the trustees, staff and colleagues in the community.
Additionally, Ms. Pinney gave 20 years of dedicated service to our zoning department. She started as a zoning assistant in 2000 and ascended to zoning Inspector in 2001. She retired from that position in 2021. Laurie also went above and beyond by pitching in to help with other areas outside of her direct role. She cares so much about the township that she has been ensuring a seamless transition to Fiscal Officer Elect Vik Sandhu. We will miss Laurie on the team and wish her and her family the best going forward. ∞