What to Expect After Tooth Loss

by Dr. Zenon Farian, DDS

According to the American College of Prosthodontics, 178 million U.S. citizens are missing at least one tooth, while 40 million are missing all of their teeth. When tooth loss occurs, it has a negative impact on your confidence. Many individuals feel self-conscious and may even avoid social situations due to embarrassment.

In addition to affecting your confidence, tooth loss is detrimental to your overall oral health. Once a tooth is lost, the neighboring teeth begin to shift into the gap left behind. Your bite changes as a result, which can lead to a host of other issues, including headaches and TMJ pain.

When the teeth shift, they can also become more difficult to clean. This means that the risks for tooth decay and gum disease increase exponentially.

Furthermore, following tooth loss, the jawbone begins to shrink, making it less stable to support remaining teeth. Over time, this bone loss can even alter the shape of your face, leaving your cheeks hollowed and gaunt. This means you’ll want to replace missing teeth as soon as possible.

What’s the best way to address tooth loss? There are several teeth replacement methods available today. But dental implants are the most popular – and with good reason. Dental implants replace the roots of missing teeth, not just the crowns. As a result, bone loss is halted, and jaw health is preserved.

Once healed, implants function just like natural teeth. You can even brush and floss them the same way. Implants can support a number of restorations, including crowns, bridges, and dentures. Best of all, they can last a lifetime when cared for properly.

If you’re thinking about dental implants or have questions about how they can improve your quality of life, call Farian Dental Care at 440-526-9100. We can tell you more about the treatment process, so call today!

Keep Smiling. And make it a good one!

Dr. Zenon Farian, DDS

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Farian Dental Care
229 E. Wallings Rd., Suite 100
Broadview Hts., OH 44147

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