Million-dollar homes project moves forward

by Melissa Martin

Members of the city’s planning commission and city council said they will continue to scrutinize plans for a proposed 12-lot subdivision off the north side of Snowville Road despite preliminary site plan approval being granted late last year.

Several residents voiced their objections to the subdivision during a Dec. 7 public hearing before the planning commission and developers, which include the Petros Development Group and Brecksville resident Kirk Doskocil. Traffic, stormwater runoff and the subdivision’s environmental impact were among the concerns raised.

Ellyn Tamulewicz Mehendale of Hunting Drive pointed out that the area of Snowville Road near Dewey Road is already dangerous for drivers due to low visibility that is frequently exacerbated by hilly terrain and occasional sun glare. She noted that the area was the site of a serious vehicle crash a few years back.

“I can’t imagine additional cars coming out onto Snowville, so I just want that to be a serious consideration,” Tamulewicz Mehendale told the planning commission. She also noted how stormwater flow from a ravine near her home has increased over the years despite promises from the city and other developers that their projects would reduce or at least not worsen flooding.

Mark Rybak, a Deer Run resident, expressed his disappointment in the fact that the million-dollar homes proposed for the area would undoubtedly raise property taxes in the area.

“I don’t appreciate you doing that,” he said.

Preliminary plans show all lots in the subdivision will measure at least 40,000 square feet, and homes are expected to cost between $1.5 million and $3 million.

“We don’t need million-dollar homes around us,” Rybak said. “Average homes, fine”

Before being granted final approval in the coming weeks, Petros Development Group will be required to provide the results of a traffic study to show how traffic along Snowville Road will be impacted by the new subdivision. The study will also determine whether turn lanes are necessary.

The developer must complete a stormwater management report demonstrating what measures will be taken to prevent flooding in the area and keep stormwater clean.

Though construction is expected to begin this fall, Brecksville Councilmember Brian Stucky said the project is “far from a done deal,” and that planning commission, city council and the administration will carefully scrutinize plans before granting final approval.

“I can assure you the commission takes all of this very, very seriously,” Stucky said. ∞