Township Corner by Trustee Don Laubacher

I am thankful that my fellow trustees, Janet Jankura and Bob Luther, elected me chair for 2024. I appreciate their confidence and will do my best.

Looking back

We accomplished or made progress on most of our 2023 goals: review our banking/investment options and begin utilizing the best choice (STAR), pass our trash hauling levy, enhance the experience for those who attend our meetings virtually, develop/begin a street paving plan for Glencairn, solidify our service department succession, and upgrade and modernize our website.

Looking ahead

The one 2023 goal we did not resolve and hope to achieve in 2024 with Summit County is the potential undervaluation of a significant property in our JEDD. A few additional goals this year are to:

  • Pass a continuing levy, with decreased millage, in March for our Fire/EMS services.
  • Begin the process of updating our 15-year Land Use Plan.
  • Make a seamless transition in fiscal officers and to the state’s Uniform Accounting Network.
  • Monitor our investments for interest rate changes and
  • Collaborate on developing two commercial properties that straddle the boundaries of Richfield Village and Township.


To Michelle Reinke Mayfield for joining our zoning commission.

To Hamid Homaee for joining our board of zoning appeals.

To Jeff Smola for many years of service on our zoning boards.

Contacting me

Please get in touch with me at, or visit me at the township office on the last Friday of each month between 9- 11 a.m. ∞

I hope everyone can enjoy the crisp weather and beautiful colors of Fall.

I am a fan of township government because of its efficiency and accountability; efficiency that allows us to provide essential services at a fraction of the cost of similar-sized municipalities, and our reliance on property tax levies makes every expenditure accountable to our residents. The end of each September brings large payments for our police and fire contracts and the summer’s road projects. Nevertheless, even after these payments, our total fund balances remain healthy and are almost as high as they were on Jan. 1, 2023. Factors contributing to this are sound fiscal management, income from our STAR account, and revenue from our Joint Economic Development District. Our JEDD still has three commercial parcels for sale. We hope for fresh interest in them once Allega Way, the new exit to Brecksville Road, is opened.

Our revamped website has annual reports and other financial information in the Fiscal Officer tab. The email notification tab also allows everyone to receive alerts for township news, trustee meeting agendas and minutes, and more.

Thank you:

To Michael Bandsuh for joining our Board of Zoning Appeals.

To Pat Ryan, our zoning inspector who will retire later this year, for being a fantastic colleague and zoning resource.

Contacting me

Please get in touch with me at my email address, or visit me at the township office on the last Friday of each month between 9 and 11 a.m. ∞