Revere Notes
Sixth-grade science teacher Jill Alessandro introduced to the Revere Board of Education five students for their contributions to the Science Club. Alessandro detailed how two Revere High students three years ago submitted an idea to start a science club for middle school students. Their concept came to fruition, and 15-20 students joined for the first two years of the club’s existence.
Now, in the club’s third year, the originators of the organization have graduated and new high school leadership is overseeing the club: Katie Nowakowski, Serena Guo and Leah Valentine.
“Some of these clubs are very academic,’’ Alessandro said, “but they require kids to be at a certain higher level. We want to be more inclusive to kids that just like science.’’
Alessandro brought along two members of the middle school club: Jesse Nowakowski and Anabelle Guo.
“These two students have come every single time; nobody has to be there but they want to be there,’’ Alessandro said of club members. “This year we have 30-31 kids, and I only have 29 seats.’’
Revere High junior Anant Adury was celebrated by the board for his accomplishments in competitive chess.
Adury is a member of the United States under-16 boys team and is ranked among the top 16 players in the nation.
“We are recognizing a student who has done things that many in this room couldn’t even imagine,’’ principal Andrew Peltz said. “And he has done so with a quiet confidence and an amazing grace.’’
Richfield Elementary kindergarten student Kennedy Traffis was recognized for respecting classroom rules, problem solving and a positive attitude, said her teacher, Anastasia Bohush.
Bath Elementary student Teddy Boelter was honored for being a “model citizen’’ in his advanced math class, where he helps his classmates problem solve and doesn’t get discouraged by a challenging curriculum, said Assistant Principal Andrew Wilson.
Revere High will hold the annual parent scheduling information night on Feb. 15 to inform families about curriculum, programs and pathways. ∞