Kindness abounds through middle school Chain Links Club

A buzz of welcoming energy permeates the halls of North Royalton Middle School at lunchtime thanks to the efforts of the Chain Links Club.

Open to any passionate seventh graders, the club meets during lunch period with advisor and school counselor Deanna Paolino to brainstorm random acts of kindness and goodwill.

In their first semester, the crew of approximately 20 students have already made an impression. They acted out upstander vs. bystander role plays to equip students to include and empower their peers. They also encouraged students to include and invite others, sit as a group and have lunch with all desks together.

Giving back is also important to them. Upcoming plans include showing appreciation to staff with a snack cart and handwritten notes. During the holidays, they were challenged to show appreciation for their family in some specific way and then come back after winter break to discuss what they did and how it made them and the other person feel.  They also plan to discuss their personal strengths and how they can grow in empathy and kindness.

There are other random acts of kindness projects in the works for the winter and spring. With this group of students leading the kindness charge, the culture at North Royalton Middle overflows with the warmth that comes from students lifting students up with the power of friendship.