Emerald Necklace Garden Club

Club installed its 2024 officers: Nathalie Petri, president; first vice presidents-programs, Jane Petri and Marlene Winter, first vice-presidents-programs; Sung Gullifer and Irene Ochrin, second vice presidents -ways and means; Debbie Apple, Laurie Siebert, recording secretary; Rosanne Radziewicz, treasurer.

ENGC meets the second Thursday of every month, except for July and August, at 9:15 a.m.. at Christ the Redeemer Lutheran Church, 9201 Brecksville Rd., in Brecksville. Guests are always welcome to attend meetings.

The club’s Feb. 8 meeting will feature Foster Brown, naturalist with the Cleveland Metroparks. His presentation will be on the “Worth of Weeds.” It is one of his most popular programs and will include history, science and folklore about some of the most common weeds found in our gardens, along the roadside and at woodland edges.

Check the website, EmeraldNecklaceGardenClub.org, for information on meetings, special events and other club activities. ∞

Photo: (clockwise from left) Jane Petrie, 1st VP-Programs; Marlene Winter, 1st VP-Programs; Rosanne Radziewicz-Treasurer; Laurie Siebert-Corresponding Secretary; Debbie Apple-Recording Secretary; Sung Gullifer-2nd VP-Ways & Means; Irene Ochrin-2nd VP-Ways & Means; Nathalie Petri-President. Photo submitted.