Township Corner by Trustee Robert Luther

I hope everyone has enjoyed the holidays with family and friends. We approved our organizational resolution for 2024 at our December 7 meeting. As part of that resolution, Don Rentz will be moved up to assistant road foreman assistant. This promotion is well deserved.

There will be some changes in zoning personnel. I thank Pat Ryan, our outgoing zoning inspector, who will be retiring at the end of the year, and also welcome Kendall Jarrell as our new part-time zoning inspector.

Laurie Pinney will be finishing her time as clerk on March 31. I thank Laurie for her 20 years of dedicated service. Our new clerk, Vik Sandhu, elected in November, will be working with Laurie to make the transition as smooth as possible.

As of December 15, our service department has been out plowing a couple of light snows and fine tuning the equipment. Over the last few years our salt usage has decreased. There is no guarantee that the trend will continue. Only time will tell. The first few snows are the most dangerous so please drive safely and slow down. ∞