Mayor’s Corner by Mayor Michael Wheeler
The Holiday Season is upon us. I wish everyone a very merry and happy holiday season. If you are traveling to another destination for the holidays, please drive safely and sanely.
Please welcome Brett Lee as our newest full-time police officer, Nori as a full-time K-9 police officer and Cody Widlak as our newest full-time fire medic.
I thank council, department heads and all our employees for staying under budget and helping to make the Village of Richfield an awesome place to live. As a reminder, our offices will be closed Monday, Dec. 25, and Tuesday, Dec. 26, to celebrate the Christmas holiday.
We have multiple board and commission member opportunities available. Please let me know if you would like to serve our community as a board or commission member.
The engineering estimates are back for our tennis court/pickleball court project. The engineering is almost complete and we plan to go out to bid after the holidays. Hopefully we will start construction in early April 2024, with completion estimated before the end of June.
The village will be collecting donation items for the holidays until December 15 to help the Battered Women’s Shelter. Please see our website for details.
If you have questions, concerns or comments, please contact me, or my executive assistant, at 330-659-9201, ext. 234, or email me at ∞