Trustees Corner by Trustee John Zaccardelli

Do not leave anything of value in your car

This topic has been covered at least five times this year. I’m writing about leaving valuables in your car. On state Route 82, the Summit Metro Parks parking lot, a person left their purse in the backseat with the door locked. Thieves broke her window and stole her purse.

Over at Brandywine Falls, a person put a purse in their trunk. They did not lock the car. Whoever was watching noticed the person failed to lock their car door. When the person went to see the falls, the thief opened the door, hit the open trunk lock, grabbed the purse and left. Sagamore Hills Police could not investigate. Summit Metro Parks is under the jurisdiction of the Summit County Sheriff and Brandywine Falls is under the jurisdiction of federal park rangers.

Leaf collection

The issue of leaf collection has been covered over the years. There have been several inquiries as to why our township does not have leaf collection. The city of Macedonia is 9.7 square miles. Macedonia’s budget is close to $35 million and they have approximately 18 employees in their service department.

Sagamore Hills is 11.3 square miles and our general fund is just over $1 million. We have three full-time employees in our service department. In comparing the two communities, Sagamore Hills does not have the revenue or staff for township leaf collection.

Northfield Center is 5.3 square miles, and they fund leaf collection through their service department. Northfield Center has done chip and seal or recycling on their road repaving.

Sagamore Hills has 38-plus road miles. Sagamore Hills spends more money on salting winter roads than Northfield Center. Sagamore Hills maintains more than 60 acres of parkland out of the service department fund. Northfield Center maintains several playgrounds. Both Northfield Center and Sagamore Hills attempt to do the best they can with limited revenue.

The shorter explanation is: our township does not have the revenue to do leaf collection. We do not want to put a 1-mill levy out for leaf collection because it is cheaper for residents to pay a landscaper to haul leaves away than to pay a 1-mill leaf tax.

With winter knocking on the door, be advised that if we are NOT salting the roads it is because we are late getting salt from our supplier. After a winter storm event, the demand for salt simply delays the time to refill our order. This year, Sagamore Hills is paying $59 per ton for a load of salt.

Please allow for the plow

The snowplow trucks, when filled with salt, weigh about 14 tons. These trucks, when filled, can be difficult to maneuver. Please do not crowd the back of the snowplow truck. Your patience is appreciated.

Wishing everyone a very happy and joyous Thanksgiving. ∞