Rethinking Food Waste with ReWorks

by Marcie E. Kress, Executive Director, ReWorks

Food waste is something we have all experienced, whether it’s from food scraps that didn’t make it into a meal, leftovers that didn’t get eaten or produce that went bad before it was used. When food gets discarded, it’s not just the food that gets wasted. The energy, resources, and money that went into it are wasted as well.

This issue has sparked dialogue from individuals and community leaders who have begun looking for actionable steps to help reduce food waste. There are steps that can be taken to help prevent it. 

If you’re just starting out and aren’t sure how to begin, we recommend finding others who share your concerns or interest and starting a conversation. You can gain new insights while establishing a network of support. ReWorks has created this webpage with food waste facts, suggestions and resources to help you get started:

The information is categorized into food waste reduction, donation and composting which provide options for handling food to prevent waste at all stages, from fresh food items to scraps.

To get started, try following our “Five Simple Steps.”

Buy only what you need. When you purchase only what you need, you can be certain it will get used.

Eat what you buy. Prioritize using items you have that have shorter shelf lives to prevent food loss. Eat leftovers for another meal or incorporate them into another dish.

Keep food fresh. Proper storage techniques for food can help extend its usability.

Don’t toss it before it spoils. If food is nearing expiration and you aren’t certain you will be able to use it before it expires, try freezing it to preserve it for a later use.

If you can’t eat it, share it (or compost it). Share surplus food items that are still good with family, friends, food banks or shelters. Items that cannot be shared may be composted. Check out our backyard compost guide here:

Starting a conversation is a great way to put ideas into motion.  Hearing other perspectives and sharing/gaining knowledge will help uncover new ways to accomplish goals.

You can share your ideas with us via email at

Marcie E. Kress, Executive Director, ReWorks

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