Shipping containers prohibited in township

by Laura Bednar

Aug. 14 township trustees meeting

Sagamore Hills trustees have prohibited the use of shipping containers as accessory structures.

The new addition to the township’s zoning code states, “No shipping containers, cargo containers, ISO containers, intermodal containers, box truck beds, semi-truck trailers or similar structures may be used as a primary or accessory structure.”

A public hearing was held before the trustees’ meeting but no residents spoke. Trustee John Zaccardelli said there are a few storage containers in the township – he cited one on Brandywine Road and another on Gannett Road – which can stay because they were on site before the new regulation went into effect.

Trustee Paul Schweikert said the tractor the township purchased in July will not arrive until January. In the meantime, Sagamore is asking the Summit County Engineer to complete the township’s roadside mowing instead of the township road department, which would have used the new tractor.

According to Trustee David DePasquale, the township purchased the tractor at an opportune time because Barberton recently attempted to buy the same type of tractor, which now costs $22,000 more.

In July, the township paid $261,585 to Macedonia for the second quarter fire and EMS dispatch and the same amount for the third quarter. Other expenditures included $703,428 to Barbicas Construction for the Summit County 2023 resurfacing program and $4,097 to TAC Computer for the township’s new firewall.

Resident comment

Jeff Pudelski, president of the Eaton Homeowners Association, said Lawrence School (grades 7-12) on Olde 8 Road will use Eaton’s clubhouse as an evacuation location if there is an emergency at the school. He also noted that water fountains at Sagamore Hills Park were not working. DePasquale said he knows of one person who overuses the fountain by filling multiple jugs and he would check on the fountain. ∞