Township Corner by Trustee Don Laubacher

I hope everyone is enjoying the summer and staying healthy.


We allocated the last $65,887 of our American Rescue Plan monies to our Road & Bridge Fund.  This was done so that we can pave our Glencairn neighborhood as quickly as possible.

We typically receive about 80% of our revenue from property tax.  With our revenue from our Joint Economic Development District increasing to almost $100,000 per year, and the investment of our cash in the State Treasury Asset Reserve (STAR) earning over $7,000 per month, (the June 30, 2023, yield was 5.41%) we are making excellent progress in diversifying our revenue streams.

In the coming month, please check out our redesigned website!  It is more attractive, functional, and easier to use. It also includes instructions to register for email or text alerts for important township news.

Please plan to attend Richfield Community Day on August 13 at Richfield Woods Park. Many activities, good food, and excellent fireworks will cap off the day.

August 8 is a special election in Ohio, so please remember to vote.


To the Richfield Chamber of Commerce for all they do to improve our community and for hosting fellow Trustee Janet Jankura, and me for our “State of the Township” talk on June 7.

Contacting me

Please contact me at my email address, or visit me at the township office on the last Friday of each month between 9 and 11 a.m. ∞