Scouts, cops walk away winners in tab war

By Chris Studor

One, two, three, four.  Cub Scout pack 3520 declared a tab war.

The pack’s opponent was the Hinckley Police Department and both groups were vying for bragging rights over the past several months as they’ve been collecting beverage can tabs to benefit the Ronald McDonald House of Akron.

The big day – counting day – arrived May 18 as scouts brought in bin after bin and bag after bag of pop can tabs totaling more than 500 pounds. The police department brought in about 50 pounds of their own with a representative from Poppin’ Tabs Medina County conducting the weigh in and declaring the Scouts the official winner. T

As part of the project, the community was invited to participate by dropping their own tabs off at designated businesses throughout the township, including Fosters Tavern of Hinckley, which sponsored the event.

The tabs were then transported to an area recycling station with the proceeds being donated to the Ronald McDonald House.

Scout Master Jeffrey Schuster had a big smile on his face as he looked out over the meeting room at the township hall announcing that, as winners, the Scouts would be served pizza by the police. Both groups then made their way to Brongers Park where Patrol Officer James Goff, Sgt. Jared Singleton and Patrol Officer Mike Shamblin congratulated the scouts on their efforts, acknowledging that both groups worked together to benefit many families in need.

May was a busy month for Cub Scout pack 3520 as the scouts, as they have for the past 58 years, replaced flags on all veteran grave sites at all three cemeteries in Medina. Additionally, the Scouts conducted a day of service at Our Lady of Grace Church, marched in the township’s Memorial Day parade and conducted the official flag folding ceremony as part of the after-parade activities. The Scouts also made plans for their summer camp out and hold weekly hikes. ∞

Photo: Members of Cub Scout Troop 3520 and several members of the Hinckley Police Department proudly gathered around more than 500 pounds of beverage tab tops they collected as part of a tab war. The recycled aluminum tabs will profit Ronald McDonald House of Akron. As winners, the Scouts received a pizza party at Brongers Park after the tab weigh in, sponsored by Fosters. Photo by C. Studor.