Trustees approve $10.8 million budget

by Laura Bednar

June 12 township trustees meeting

Sagamore Hills trustees approved the 2024 budget of $10,840,695, which includes property tax collections, other revenue and balances for a variety of township funds.

The estimated gross property tax collected from outside millage levies in 2024 is almost $3.8 million. Outside millage is voter approved and applied to a tax bill. According to the Ohio Constitution, inside millage is an unvoted property tax that cannot exceed 10 mills, or $10 per $1,000 of assessed value. Sagamore’s inside millage levies (totaling 2.1 mills) are expected to yield $777,558.

Taxes go toward road improvements, police protection, fire/EMS and the general fund.

Estimated 2024 revenue – which includes property taxes and carryover within each fund from last year – is just over $1.2 million for the general fund; over $1.4 million for the road and bridge fund; $1.9 million for the police; and almost $1.3 million for fire/EMS. Estimated revenue from other sources is $378,500 and will be used for motor vehicle license taxes and gasoline taxes, and support the Ohio Peace Officers Training Academy, drug law enforcement and capital equipment.

Parkview blasting

Township attorney Jeff Snell said developers of the Parkview Senior Living facility at Carter and West Aurora roads plan to hire a third party to blast rock on the property using controlled dynamite. The contractor will review blasting procedures with owners of neighboring properties and houses within 500 yards of the site.

Using dynamite underground to blast the rock will take approximately 30 days, with blasting occurring every three days, according to Snell. There is about 300 feet of rock that must be granulated to allow for utility access. Utility companies must sign off on the blasting.

Snell said grinding the rock instead of using dynamite would take at least six months. The goal is to begin blasting by September.

Vehicle update

Trustee Paul Schweikert said the roads department is waiting on new parts for its tractor to continue roadside ditching on side streets. Trustees approved purchasing a $5,000 diagnostic truck monitor, which analyzes the township’s trucks to determine if needed repairs can be made in-house or require an outside company.

Trustee David DePasquale said the police department received a new fully outfitted truck.

Historical society

Ellen Bertel from the Historical Society of Olde Northfield asked for township support in funding its annual $3,000 operating budget. She said the historical society maintains the museum for Macedonia, Northfield Village, Northfield Center and Sagamore Hills, some of which have already donated to the cause.

“We are close to making our budget for the first time in a while,” said Bertel.

Schweikert said the trustees would consult with the state auditor to determine if the township can donate to the society. ∞