Cuyahoga Valley Genealogy Society

The Cuyahoga Valley Genealogical Society will hold its monthly meeting on Monday, Feb. 6, at 7 p.m. Members and interested public are invited to attend at the Willow Room of the Independence Civic Center, 6363 Selig Blvd., Independence.

This month’s meeting will be a presentation by Jane Gramlich, CVGS vice president and program chair, entitled “The Family Tale Unfolds: Finding My French Forebears.”

For years, Gramlich’s grandaunt Phyllis insisted the family had ancestors from France. There were reasons to believe her claim, but nothing to lead Gramlich in the right direction – until the discovery of one original record made all the difference. Learn how Gramlich broke through a longtime brick wall in a matter of weeks, and how a bare twig on the family tree sprouted into a full-blown, flowering branch.  

Coffee and refreshments will be served. For additional information contact ∞