Registration deadline for garage sale is May 23
The Bath Community Garage Sale is scheduled for June 12, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. – public health mandates permitting.
Sponsored by the Bath Business Association, in cooperation with Bath Township, the annual community garage sale typically features from 50 to more than 100 individual participating locations, scattered throughout Bath, with sites shown on a Garage Sale map and marked by signage.
Cost to participate in the Bath Community Garage Sale is $20, and participation is limited to residents or businesses in Bath Township.
Registration forms are in this issue of the Bath Country Journal and posted on the BBA website,, where they can be downloaded. In addition, registration forms will be available at The Bake Shop in Ghent, 800 Wye Road and Colonial Pharmacy, 1915 N. Cleveland-Massillon Road. The registration deadline is May 23, and there will be no participation without pre-payment. Face coverings and social distancing will be required, and the fee for participation is refundable should the sale need to be canceled for any reason. ∞