Trustees Corner by Trustees Monique Ascherl, Cyntia Engleman & Jack Swedyk

Fall is in the air and it’s time for football season and pumpkin spice lattes once again! We packed a lot of fun into the summer months in Hinckley with two outdoor movie nights and two parades with a picnic. It’s definitely a good time to be part of our small town.

We have a unique employment opportunity available at town hall. Our fiscal officer, Martha Catherwood, will be resigning in November after 21 years of service to Hinckley. The board of trustees and the fiscal officer plan to interview candidates and appoint a replacement who will be trained by Martha Catherwood prior to her departure.

The newly appointed fiscal officer will then need to run for election in November 2025 to complete the remaining two years of the term. We thank Martha Catherwood for her years of service and dedication to both Hinckley as well as several different boards of trustees. She has been an invaluable resource to us all. For additional information on this position and how to apply, visit the township’s website,

Trick-or-Treat is just around the corner and this year the township will host a drive-in movie at Our Lady of Grace Church following the Chamber of Commerce’s Trick-or-Treat event in the center of town. Stay tuned for the date of the event and the name of the movie, both of which will be released later this month. The movie will be hosted by the Hinckley Police Association and the Hinckley Holiday Market.

The renovations to the east wall of the old fire station should be wrapped up this month. The changes to the building include the installation of energy-efficient windows to replace the old, drafty bay doors that needed to be replaced. This will save the township quite a bit of money in the cold wintery months ahead.

Welcome back to school to all of our kiddos, we hope you have a safe and productive school year. ∞