Hudson Genealogical Study Group
Since 1986, the Hudson Genealogical Study Group chapter of the Ohio Genealogy Society seeks to help those researching their ancestors and building their family trees. On Monday, Sept. 16, we will host “ – Reference Workshop Presentation,” from 2-3 p.m., in the computer lab classroom on the second floor of the Hudson Library and Historical Society. This hands-on class will be directed by Derrick Ranostaj, a Hudson Library research and reference librarian and address how to navigate your way through the digital database, Registration is required because seating is limited to 14.
Then join us on Saturday, Sept. 21, to hear Sunny Jane Morton, a world-renowned genealogy expert, award-winning author, gifted educator and phenomenal motivational speaker, who will discuss, “Adding Your Own Stories to Your Family History.” If you are interested in anything genealogy, even if you are a beginner, you do not want to miss her. That program is form 9:30-11:00 a.m. at the Hudson Library & Historical Society.
For more information or to register for any of these programs, call the Hudson Library and Historical Society at 330-653-6658 and ask for the reference desk on the second floor. ∞