Reflections Program open to all students
Students in grades K-12 are invited to participate in the Ohio/National PTA Reflections program in the categories of literature, music composition, photography, visual arts, dance choreography and film production. The theme is “I am Hopeful Because …” Students may develop an entry in or outside of school and may submit as many entries as they like. A “Special Artist” division is available for students with disabilities.
The PTAs of the Revere School District manage the program for all four of the Revere Schools where rules and entry forms are available. Forms are also available on Flyer Place on the website.
All entries should be submitted to the respective school office, marked “PTA Reflections Program” no later than Friday, Dec. 1.
Entries will be judged at the school district level by individuals not affiliated with the school district based on artistic merit/creativity, mastery of medium and interpretation of the theme. The decisions of the judges are final. Winning entries will be forwarded to the Ohio PTA for further judging and recognition. Winners at the Ohio PTA level will advance to the National PTA for further award consideration. A district-wide recognition ceremony will be held on Jan. 4, 2024, 6-7 p.m. at Revere High School.
For additional information, contact one of the individual building chairs: Richfield Elementary School, Natalie Rainey at 269-586-4349 or; Bath Elementary School, Theresa Berry at 330-858-1897 or; Revere Middle School, Hillary Ash at 330-351-0445; Revere High School, Hillary Ash at 330-351-0445 or You may also contact Karen Smik at or 330-659-4750. ∞