League of Women Voters of Hudson to host Oct. 5 “speed dating” candidates forum
The League of Women of Voters of Hudson is breaking with tradition. Instead of its time-honored Candidate Forum, they will hold a version of “speed dating.”
“The speed-dating format provides direct discussion between voters and their candidates,” said LWVH President Tracey Mackay. Voters can ask about issues specific to where they live and their school-age children. It’s a great way for constituents to know their candidates.”
Those who attend will be seated at a table according to the ward they live in. Candidates will then circulate among the tables. Voters will have about 30 minutes to talk with each of the two city council candidates running in their ward, and about 8 minutes each with the six board of education candidates and the mayor.
The event is Thursday, Oct. 5, from 6:30 p.m.-9 p.m. in the Media Center at Hudson High School. For additional information or questions about the event, email lwvhudsonohio@gmail.com. ∞