Chippewa Garden Club
Chippewa Garden Club will host an informative presentation on alliums on Thursday, Aug. 22, at 6:30 p.m., in the Brecksville Human Service Building.
There are more than 800 species of this this hardy, herbaceous plant. They are grown for two different reasons: ornamentally because of their flowers, and because they are edible. Think garlic, leeks and onions. This presentation will address both reasons for loving alliums and how to grow them.
CGC Vice President JoAnn Bartsch, who is both a master gardener and an obsessive horticulturist, will conduct the presentation. She’s been a member of the Chippewa Garden Club since 1995. She is a retired environmental scientist and finds retirement the perfect setting for exploring new gardening techniques and, of course, discovering plants she’s never grown before. When she’s not tending the soil and plants in her yard, she’s mentoring vegetable gardeners at two community gardens and introducing elementary school students to the wonders of nature in their schoolyard.
The public is welcome to attend.
CGC hosts its monthly meetings on the fourth Tuesday of the month at the Brecksville Human Service Building, 2 Community Drive, in Brecksville. ∞